I have read
John Canzano's column several times this morning and I think he has taken up residence on Mars.
Damon Stoudamire has been beat up by local media over the years. Damon has beat himself up over the years. Damon has a rocky history here in Portland. Damon has a history of not being a consistently good player. Damon has a history of saying things have changed when they haven't.
The key word here is "history".
After Damon got busted in Arizona, something happened. The change he (and us) longed for finally came. Damon gave up the drugs. Damon settled his life and faced his demons. Anyone who has had to do this can testify to how very hard this is to do. Damon managed to make lasting changes to his lifestyle without leaving his team and friends. It's admirable. Damon's drug habits are history. I believe it. I believe it because I can see it in his demeanor. I can see it on the court. I also know that if Damon so much as thought about doing drugs again, the local media would rip him apart mercilessly. It has been silent. In fact, they have been kind and complimentary.
Damon has been criticized over the years for running a slow dribble dribble dribble dribble dribble half court offense. There were times when this was blamed on players like Rasheed not following a play, leaving Damon to try and decide what to do. This has been blamed on Damon himself, meaning Damon simply can't see what to do. To me it matters not what the reasons were because this too is history. Damon has been able to step back, take a look at his game, and just as he did in his life, make changes. I believe these changes are permanent too. Damon is seeing success like he never has before. He gave up his addiction to drugs and has replaced it with an addiction to sharpening his game. It's here to stay. In spite of his physical size, he has raised the level of his game to a plateau that taller players never see. I do not understand the obsession with Damon's height. It's a non factor.
As a Blazer fan I have been through the turmoil. I have been ridiculed by coworkers for being a "jail blazer" fan. I have been picked on by friends and family for being a glutton for punishment. I've been called stupid and accused of being in denial. This never phased me, in fact, it fueled my desire to support this team. Why? It's because I am a Blazer fan, period. There is this thing called sensationalism and the Blazers have had more than their share of it. In fact, they became victimized by it. But this story isn't about all of that. Yes, there have been very real problems in Blazer land, but now things are different. There has been change. You could actually say, the "jail blazers" are history.
This brings me to the situation at hand. Steve Patterson and John Nash developed the "25 Point Pledge". This pledge outlines behavioral expectations for the Blazers. Damon has not only met those expectations, he has exceeded them due to his having to make a choice to make his own changes. I can not say enough how much I admire Damon for this. In addition to this, Damon has brought his level of play up so far that he is a key factor in the Blazer's recent successes. Successes you ask? Yes, successes. I realize that the Blazers have been losing and are at this time out of the playoffs, just hold on and hear me out.
With 3 starters out, the Blazers have never given up. They have played hard. They have been praised for their "moral victories". They have given 110% effort. Finally they were rewarded with an outstanding win over the leagues best team, San Antonio. Throughout all of this Damon Stoudamire's numbers have risen to the point where I am quite sure they are visible from Mars. Here we have a guy, that in spite of "history", is giving his all and the results of this change are evident on the floor. He is now a "go to" guy. I believe Damon's game is permanently improved to a level where his value is evident. Yeah, but it's a contract year you say. So what? If Damon is good for another team, he is good for ours. The Blazers have been in need of a core group of guys. The core group of guys that have developed will see future success. It's important to make sure that Damon is one of them. He has been a leader. Damon has been everything, and more, than he was ever asked to be.
No Mr. Canzano, it is not time to trade Damon. It's time to give him that "sweet deal" he has earned through blood, sweat and tears. Any trades John Nash does needs to make this team better, not somebody else's. That is what will happen if he trades Damon. Not only that, he will send a loud and clear message to Blazer players and Blazer fans that regardless of what a guy does to meet expectations and to make the Blazers a better team, he is expendable. That is not a positive message at all. It renders the 25 point pledge mute. There are some things you do simply because they are "right". Damon has earned our respect and deserves to stay on this team as a secure member.
I say focus on the present and the future, not history, when it comes to making a decision about Damon Stoudamire. I know I'm on the ledge here. I don't care. In my opinion keeping Damon Stoudamire is the right thing to do.