
Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Serious Blazer Fans

When my husband and I got married we decided to have a little fun with the pictures. Since things aren't going so well for the Blazers I decided to submit ours to's "where in the world" to help with participation. We all had a good laugh when this picture was taken. I'll tell you something else. The pastor actually made reference to the Blazers during our ceremony! He sure did. He told me in front of everyone that I should have the same enthusiasm for my husband and marriage as I do the Blazers. To this day I find myself thinking about that. It's a tall order! *kidding* A lesson comes to mind. Just as a marriage has it's ups and downs, so does a basketball season. It sure doesn't mean that the love isn't there! Mike, I love you, and GO BLAZERS!
*note* At least we didn't we didn't go as far as that prom couple!
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