
Monday, May 16, 2005

Today is the day to send Steve Patterson packing! *Blazer Survivor*

Today is the day I have been waiting for! So far the voting is looking as if Steve Patterson will get sent packing. How I wish this were real! Unfortunately it is only as real as the T.V. show "Survivor". Here is a reality check for the dingbats that thinks reality T.V. is real, IT ISN'T!

Anyway, from the last update, Khryapa's votes turned out to be a 95% bring him back. Reef got a 51% send him packing (although I don't think it has much to do with him personally but rather we simply won't have room for him with Zach around). Richie Frahm was sent packing by 59% of the vote. HA got a surprising 82% bring him back. I thought it would be closer to 95%. Darius Miles got sent packing with 82% of the vote. I agree completely. Kevin Pritchard was a bring back with 59% (I wonder if that was as coach or GM!) Personally, I'd love to see Kevin take over as president! I think he'd be perfect.

That brings us to today's vote, Steve Patterson. As of right now we are at 62.1% voting to send him packing. I could not agree more other than to say I hope the final vote is closer to 100%.

Tomorrow we will see about Damon. I want him to stay.

Come on, do the right thing, send Steve Patterson packing. VOTE NOW!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Blazer Survivor Update

As voting continues, four more Blazers have learned their fate. Each one has been voted as keepers. Theo Ratliff and Zach Randolph both received 62% bring back votes. Even though the vote is to bring him back it's pretty clear their is much apprehension over Z-Bo's ability to be the cornerstone of the team. Przybilla and Telfair got high marks, with 98% for Joel and 95% for Sebastian. Today is Khryapa's turn and so far his numbers look very much in favor of bringing him back too.

I am still looking forward to May 16th!

Blazer Survivor
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