Leave Him Alone
The excitement of waiting for the Thriller video to be aired on MTV (this was well before we had any video or song we wanted at our fingetips-we had to do something called WAITING). I remember being so wowed by it I was on the phone for hours with my girlfriends afterwards. I also remember seeing the moonwalk for the first time when MJ performed at the grammy's. I was a roller rink rat and Michael Jackson's music was a big part of that as well.
Michael Jackson lived a life that no one but maybe Elvis(?) could understand. Fame comes with a price and come on, who wouldn't be a little weird and eccentric if you had to spend your life hiding? Elvis had his oddities as well.
There are certain people who's passing is felt worldwide. This is true of Michael Jackson. It's a testimony to his God given talent that he shared with the world. Yeah, there were accusations and questions about aspects of Michael's life, but I don't care. I didn't know the man personally so I can't make any judgements, especially if all I have to go on are story hungry talking heads. My sympathies go out to his family and his true friends, all of who are deeply devestated. That alone makes me believe the best of Michael Jackson. Certainly he wasn't perfect but he is deserving of acknowledgement and certainly, the very least we can do is say that we are sorry he had to go so soon.
Maybe now, finally, Michael Jackson can rest in peace.
For those of you who remember "Kingspeed" from BBB..you know who I mean ;)
His thoughts on MJ & Farrah: LINK I have him on twitter and found this there.
BTW-This is my favorite Michael Jackson song:
Last, but not least, THRILLER The video that changed everything.