
Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's amazin'...

It's amazin', it's a craisin, half cranberry, half raisin...

Where did I hear this and why won't it get out of my head! ARGH!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Where amazing happens...

I feel bad for LeBron James. This guy has graciously accepted all the accolades poured upon him since before he was drafted. He has indeed produced and proven himself to be one of the best players in the game. A great personality star. Yet, here he is in an NBA conference final and people are being reminded that he is human. He's young, inexperienced. Some are not being so kind. How quickly they turn LeBron. Where's the love for a guy that single-handedly turned a dying franchise around by simply being there? He Made It Better! He amazed us.

It reminds me of the Blazers this year. Look how far we came! People must stop expecting these guys to magically win a championship. After all, there is some serious competition out there and only one prize. The Blazers did accomplish something, they Made It Better! They amazed us.

This is a great great NBA playoff season. Regardless of the Kobe-LeBron commercials (Love the puppets!). Regardless of who is SUPPOSED to win. Regardless of who would make the league more money. Regardless of choosing your winners before the season is even over. It's enjoyable to see that it just doesn't work that way. I for one am cheering for a Denver-Orlando finals simply because it wasn't SUPPOSED to happen. I think a finals like this would indeed Make It Better! It would be a great reminder of why we all love sports like we do. It's where things that are SUPPOSED to happen, don't always. It's where amazing happens.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

For the Rudy Obsessed...

Here is our Rudy having some fun. Even though I can hardly understand a word of this it seems funny and I think there is some joking involving Rubio as well.

If you can translate this for me, please do!

For those who wish to get right to it, fast forward to the 16:33 mark.

I think Rudy could get his Oscar, he seems very comfortable in front of the camera!

Who knew?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wookee Sighting!

Can you spot the Wookee?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Rasta Monsta

Brian Grant has been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. While this is certainly not the end of the road for Brian, it certainly will change the course of his life. I know he will use this for good and not as an excuse. He will fight this with all the fury and tenacity he fought Karl Malone with!

We are all with you Brian. Stay strong! I hope to see you around next season. I know most Blazer fans would love that.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Congratulations Brandon Roy & Blazer P.R. staff!

Do you need more proof that Brandon Roy is the "anti jail blazer"?

(I apologize for bringing up the term but I do so to make a point. The "jail blazers" simply do not exist anymore. To this day I will have someone pull the name out and use it as some sort of weapon to try and make their team somehow better. It's childish and stupid. Anyone who pays any attention to the NBA at all knows better. When someone uses this term, they are immediately discredited from having any semblance of basketball knowledge. Idiots.)

ug-shake it off......back to my post...

Brandon Roy has been honored with the Magic Johnson award. It's simply a nice honor, especially for a Blazer. By winning awards like this Brandon continues to change the face of the Portland Trailblazers that is seen by all. Thank you Brandon! I wonder if you will ever truly understand the positive impact you have had.

In addition to Brandon receiving the Magic Johnson award, the Blazers public relations staff has also been recognized for being the best team to work with. I conquer. I love doing business with my Blazer folks. I am sure that having the toughest question given to them be someone asking "did Martel Webster really stop to help someone change a tire?" has made their lives much easier. It's very obvious that life for employees of the Trailblazers is much happier these days. I think it's great.

Congratulations to all!

Here is a link to the story: LINK

It's a good day to be a Blazer!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Well, bummer. Thanks Blazers for a great season!

I have been away from my computer and unable to post.

Even though we lost game 6 I am still very pleased with how our season went. We won 54 games and 2 in the post season! That is an awesome accomplishment for a team that at the beginning of the season people were saying that winning 45 games would be huge. I listened to 95.5 the day after and heard a few things I want to address.

#1. Rudy, there is NO NEED to even think about apologies! We should be thanking you for all you have done for this team and Rip City! Job well done Rudy, job well done.

#2. Travis Outlaw. Come on people, do you toss out an entire season over a post season performance that was not so great? Travis is not alone in having a bad post season.

#3. WE DO NOT WANT OR NEED TONY PARKER! Excuse me, but the Spurs got no further than the Blazers this year.

#4. Looking for a shooter? Hello? Martell Webster????? Remember him?

#5. Greg Oden will only get better. Leave him alone.

#6. Nate McMillan showed he is willing to take chances by starting Rudy. So what if it didn't work out so well? Nate also had an opportunity to grow with the experience of round 1. It's far too soon to be talking about any changes in coaching.


#8. CP3

Thank you Blazers! You made us all proud.

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