Well, the 05-06 season is just around the corner. Already, I am experiencing new perspectives. Normally I am geered up and ready to begin making the trip to Portland 2, 3 and even 4 times a week. By now I normally would have all my extra tickets for friends and family purchased. Not this year. For the first time in 7 years I am saying no to season tickets. My decision is not based on the team at all, it is entirely due to Steve Patterson. I will simply leave it at that. I am not going to spend the season griping about him. OK, I am going try very hard. I have to say, the man still needs a haircut!
As for the team, I am somewhat excited to see what they can do. My main concern is Darius Miles. Last year Darius told us all how he was willing to do whatever it takes to win. We all know how that turned out. This year, we are hearing the same thing. Darius has said that he will play for Nate McMillan and basically
behave. Only time will tell. I am sure many a Blazer fan will be crossing their fingers and toes.
Nate McMillan is sounding like his reputation as a disciplinarian is not a fabrication. Nate has banned headbands. So much for "Can I get A Headband". I am happy to see them go. Nate has banned cell phones from practice and the team plane. Nate has also said that the guys will be rooming together while on road trips and that he will choose who rooms with who. This makes me laugh and also wonder, is this another tactic to save Paul Allen money? Hey, why not? I hear the rooms players stay in are quite nice. Why pay for 12 when you can pay for 6? I applaud Nate for his efforts. I hope that management backs him up. We'll see where he stands when Darius demands his own room.
As for the rest of the team and what I think, I can't say. It is simply too soon and it is all speculation. I think we have a good group of guys. I do wish the team the very best this year and hope that they pull off a cinderella story. Hey, it can happen. This is the time of year that a fan can dream big dreams.
I am looking forward to watching games in my PJ's and not having to drive 50 miles to get home. If I'm thirsty I can go to the fridge and miss 15 seconds rather than forking over 3 bucks for a coke and missing 15 minutes. For once I will have the bonus of hearing what is going on rather than trying to decipher it by asking people who are wearing headphones.
Don't get me wrong. I will still go to games, just not as many. I like being there and screaming my head off. I hope that this year I have a reason to. I'm looking forward to getting things started.
One more thing. I am very pleased that Ruben Patterson is still a Blazer. I don't care what anyone says. Ruben is a keeper.