
Thursday, February 10, 2005

Did Darius know about the deal? Did Paul Allen?

Darius Miles is denying any knowledge of the alleged deal to reimburse his 150K plus interest.
This is what Nate Bishop of Hoopsworld says Darius told him last night:

"...I don't know anything about an agreement. I didn't even know about the situation until this morning until I got here," said Miles. "One of the (papers) reporters asked me a question yesterday about it and I told him the truth. He evidently wrote what he wanted to write." So what exactly is the truth? "I don't know anything about it. I got a letter that said I got fined for missing practice and missing the games. So, I don't know..."

Actually, I am inclined to believe him. The problem is, it makes no difference. He still owes the coach and the fans a proper apology. He still needs to learn to understand how wrong what he did was. He still has no reason to think for a second that a 2 game suspension was uncalled for. He needs to learn to understand that he should be thanking his lucky stars that he didn't get the 10 game suspension he should have. He got off very easy and he needs to realize it.

This "deal" is on Steve Patterson and there is due reason to suspect Paul Allen. For now, I am willing to cut John Nash a BIT of slack, but he is the GM and he should be well aware of such things. If he didn't know, he may as well consider packing his bags and heading down the road with Maurice Cheeks. A person can not survive in a work environment like that.

I bring up Paul Allen because it is well known that signing Darius made him about as excited as Ralphie was when he finally got his Red Rider Carbin Action 200 Range Air Rifle with a compass and a stock. Many people felt that way. Could it be that Paul Allen himself was simply making sure that his guy was taken care of?

From John Canzano's blog:
There's a little confusion and there shouldn't be. I honestly think Miles had no knowledge of the settlement proposal and this discussion was going down at a high, high, high level between his agent and possibly only Blazers president Steve Patterson or a team attorney or possibly ownership.One NBA agent called me during Wednesday's game to suggest that the reason the Blazers wanted to make this deal was, "Because Darius is Paul Allen's guy, always has been."That's a tidy explanation, but possibly a valid one.

Now, you may be one of the folks that is steaming mad at Canzano, but nobody would dispute that this is a very real possibility. Special treatment for the "teacher's pet"? Is this something new? No. It is as common as the cold. We all know it. If this is the case then I say it is time for Paul Allen to sell the team and move on.

I have to say that back when I blamed local media for riding Rasheed Wallace out of town on a rail, I was pretty much tarred and feathered. Now those same people are freaking out and on a full scale mission to destroy the very media they so adamently defended in the Sheed days. I am finding this quite humorous. Sorry guys, I'm with the "O" on this one.

If the Blazer management would keep their noses as clean as they demand the players to, there would be no story to report. By living up to their own demands, this whole fiasco could have been avoided.

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