
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Meet "The Wild One".

Mike Rice, or "the wild one" as he is known to listeners of KXL Blazer broadcasts has a style all his own. He is the perfect compliment to the often boisterous Brian Wheeler. I am a fan of the Blazer broadcast team "Wheels and Rice". Brian Wheeler is the play by play guy and Mike Rice is the commentator. Together they make listening to Blazer games via radio a true pleasure. I often find myself laughing at them. I think they are very good at what they do.

The Portland Tribune did a piece on Mike Rice that I think anyone who is a fan would enjoy reading. I think it is funny that Rice's claim to fame is being the only team broadcaster kicked out of a game. What makes it even funnier to me is that it was Steve Javie that did it. The way Steve blows his whistle when he refs a Blazer game makes me wonder if he still has a chip on his shoulder! Seriously, these are the off court stories that are a part of what makes following a team so much fun.

From the Tribune:
"...After a distinguished 20 years as a coach and another 16 in broadcasting, Rice’s claim to fame was the day in 1994 when he became the only broadcaster to be ejected from an NBA game. “Certain things stand out in a career,” Rice says, chuckling again at the thought. “You would hope that wouldn’t be the only thing you’d be known for. But because I was the only one ever, that’s how everyone identifies me.” Rice isn’t going to lose sleep over it. In fact, he embraces his notoriety. He loves the attention. He loves to talk. He loves his job. At, as Wheeler says, “65 going on 25,” Rice figures he’s beating the system, and he’ll do it forever..."

Mike Rice will broadcast his 1,500th game tonight. Read more at
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