
Thursday, January 26, 2006

Don't mix!

Warning to the people of Sacramento, there is a ticking time bomb in your city. All our lives we are warned to not mix certain chemicals together for fear of an explosion or the emission of poisonous gases. Apparently the Maloof brothers missed that lesson.

I have always suspected those two of inhaling certain toxins and now I am convinced. Who in their "right" mind would mix a Bonzi Wells and a Ron Artest? I have experienced Wells as a Blazer fan. I have only seen what most of you have seen of Artest. I can not imagine these 2 guys coexisting and playing nice together for an extended period of time.

What makes this particularly amusing for the Blazer fan is that Ron Artest actually makes Bonzi look good in comparison. In addition to this, this could be our chance to shed the "jailblazer" name and hand it over to Sacto. Hey, at least they have Alcatraz and San Quentin nearby!

It's only a matter of time.

tick tick tick...
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