
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Kobe's streak ends in Portland!

YES! How sweet it is. This is what I love about basketball. Not only did Steve Blake and Ruben Patterson effectively stop Kobe from getting to 45, the Blazers BEAT LA as a team. I am very proud of them. I wish like anything I would have gone to the game. If they would just play like this each and every night. Beats me why they don't. Either way, a Laker loss is a Laker loss and it is even better at the hands of the Blazers. Phil will rue the day he called us "jackals".

Now, let's see if ESPN is able to choke out the words, "Portland Trailblazers break Kobe's 45 point scoring streak and win the game as well". We will be lucky if it makes the crawl.

Congratulations Blazers! It's a happy day for Blazer fans.

Miracles do happen!


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