
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Thank You Blazers!

The Blazers surprised me last night with a win over New York. I was preparing all day to see them get crushed. Blazer marketing has made me think this way. They have convinced me that this team will lose more than it will win. It has convinced me that this team is too young to expect much from. They have convinced me that young teams are for exhibition only. They have convinced me to not set high expectations. They have convinced me to not have hope.

Thank you Ruben, Darius, Zach, Sebastian, Theo and Joel for proving them wrong. Thank you for showing that you are veterans and that this is not a preschool team. Yes, we will lose games, but we will also win. I am tired of being programmed to expect the loss.

The Blazers have better ability than they are being given credit for.

Darius even played while hurt. I was impressed. I hope that he didn't over do it.

Ruben? As I keep saying, you ARE the man!

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